MPs - EU Referendum Bill - amendment by Mike Gapes MP to restrict a referendum to the first half of 2017
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EU Referendum Bill - amendment by Mike Gapes MP to restrict a referendum to the first half of 2017, 22 Nov 2013 [Clear]

This proposal would have negated the aim of the EU referendum bill which sought to set the date for autumn of 2017

In important votes in the House of Commons if an MP votes to protect or preserve Britain’s democracy and economy from EU interference they are awarded a score of plus 2. If the MP votes in a way that harms our freedom, prosperity and sovereignty the MP receives a vote of minus 2. In the face of pressure from the Whips acting on behalf of their pro-EU leadership an abstention receives a score of plus 1. In the referendum of 23rd June 2016 if your MP supported Leave, they are awarded 10 points. If, however, they supported Remain then a score of minus 10 will be applied.

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All Votes (59)
Liberal Democrat
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Danny Alexander, (no seat) -16%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Norman Baker, (no seat) -36%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Alan Beith, (no seat) -27%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Gordon Birtwistle, (no seat) -32%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Tom Brake, (no seat) -49%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Annette Brooke, (no seat) -34%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Jeremy Browne, (no seat) -36%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Malcolm Bruce, (no seat) -34%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Paul Burstow, (no seat) -39%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Lorely Burt, (no seat) -30%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Vince Cable, (no seat) -33%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Menzies Campbell, (no seat) -41%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Alistair Carmichael, Orkney and Shetland -38%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Nick Clegg, (no seat) -22%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Mike Crockart, (no seat) -34%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Edward Davey, Kingston and Surbiton -40%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Tim Farron, Westmorland and Lonsdale -41%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Lynne Featherstone, (no seat) -18%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Don Foster, (no seat) -39%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Andrew George, (no seat) -32%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Stephen Gilbert, (no seat) -32%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Duncan Hames, (no seat) -36%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Mike Hancock, (no seat) -11%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Nick Harvey, (no seat) -32%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

David Heath, (no seat) -36%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

John Hemming, (no seat) -25%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Martin Horwood, (no seat) -41%AyeLiberal Democrat

Simon Hughes, (no seat) -34%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Mark Hunter, (no seat) -41%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Julian Huppert, (no seat) -41%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Charles Kennedy, (no seat) -18%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Norman Lamb, (no seat) -50%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

David Laws, (no seat) -34%NoLiberal Democrat

Phillip Lee, (no seat) -9%NoLiberal Democrat

John Leech, (no seat) -30%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Michael Moore, (no seat) -30%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Greg Mulholland, (no seat) -33%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Tessa Munt, (no seat) -32%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

John Pugh, (no seat) -38%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Alan Reid, (no seat) -36%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Dan Rogerson, (no seat) -39%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Bob Russell, (no seat) -30%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Adrian Sanders, (no seat) -25%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Robert Smith, (no seat) -32%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Andrew Stunell, (no seat) -36%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Ian Swales, (no seat) -30%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Jo Swinson, (no seat) -36%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Sarah Teather, (no seat) -16%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Mike Thornton, (no seat) -30%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

John Thurso, (no seat) -27%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Chuka Umunna, (no seat) -21%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

David Ward, (no seat) -36%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Steve Webb, (no seat) -36%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Roger Williams, (no seat) -34%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Mark Williams, (no seat) -28%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Stephen Williams, (no seat) -34%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Jenny Willott, (no seat) -34%Did not voteLiberal Democrat

Sarah Wollaston, (no seat) -7%NoLiberal Democrat

Simon Wright, (no seat) -39%Did not voteLiberal Democrat
59 entries listed